Fredonia Speed Dating Night

In-Person Speed Dating How It Works. We think the best relationships are forged when we are comfortable, relaxed and free of pressure. Preferring instead to think of the evening as a casual night out where one can truly be themselves. We do not use traditional 'speed dating' offerings such as bells, whistles and name-tags.

Online speed dating (ages 42-62)-an exciting night full of 1-on-1 online dates! Sat, feb 20, 6:30 pm pst. Come speed dating - it will be fun & is a very low. HOW VIRTUAL SPEED DATING WORKS. Offering an exciting and innovative way to meet others just like yourself all in an environment suitably yours. The perfect opportunity to have an afternoon or night in, maximizing the number of potential matches you meet all while being your relaxed best.

Speed Dating

OVERVIEW: Want to meet someone smart and fun? How about up to five smart and fun people? If that sounds good to you, then you should come and check out Nerd Nite Speed-Dating! This is especially recommended for people who are fans of the main Nerd Nite event– if you’ve never been before, you can get some information by taking a look at our Facebook group.

Fredonia Speed Dating Night Girls

You can buy tickets at

If you have questions about ANYTHING related to this event, please email Amy C. at or post a question in the Nerd Nite Austin Social Group on Facebook.

If you are on the waiting list for this event, be sure to jump down to the bottom of this message for some special information.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE TIME: You can arrive as early as 7:00 (that’s usually when the doors open for the side entrance), and the Speed-Dating event itself starts a pinch after 7:20. We will wrap up at about 7:50, and the main Nerd Nite event starts at 8:00. If you are late for the Speed-Dating, then that will shorten the amount of time you have to talk with other people, or make it so that you miss out on some people entirely, so please try to be punctual for everyone’s sake.

WHO DOES THIS?: Nerds. Mostly nerds between 25-35, but sometimes younger or older. We don’t check ID, we don’t segment for age. You get what you get. Make the most of it.

WHAT EXACTLY IS GOING TO HAPPEN?: Just before the event starts, you’ll be given a form to fill out for use during the event. The top part has spaces for contact information that you might be willing to share with people you meet at the event. The bottom portion will allow you to indicate to us whether or not you are interested in any of the people you meet. You’ll spend a few minutes chatting with each of your speed-dates, and if you would like to carry on any of the conversations later, let us know– when the interest is mutual, we’ll make sure that you can get in touch with each other again. Plus, as part of your Speed-Dating ticket, you’ll get a free drink ticket!

This portion of the evening will happen in the back bar at The North Door. It’s cozy back there. You’ll like it. This is the bar that you walk into when you enter from the alley.

Fredonia Speed Dating Night Quotes

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT PREPARATION: In order to prepare for the event and help people get a “sense” of you faster, I’d suggest that you prepare a sign or pin/badge with your name that conveys something about your personality. This can also help people get the spelling of each other’s names correct, which helps tabulate results more efficiently. You can do it on anything– an iPad, a paper grocery bag, a piece of printer paper, a piece of foam core, some graphing paper, or some handmade paper that you made yourself out of pulped back issues of The Journal of the American Nerd Society. The only rules are to make it so that your name is legible, and keep it PG.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE NERD NITE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM: It’s recommended you sign up for one or the other instead of both, since they both happen prior to the main show. As a general rule, both will happen frequently throughout the year, so you’ll have other opportunities. Ambassador might be a better fit if you are anxious about meeting new people in a new place– it will give you a chance to settle in and get to know other nerds based on what you like. Speed-Dating is a quick way to meet a few new people who are interested in finding someone to date– maybe you!

IF YOU BUY/PAY FOR A TICKET FOR A FRIEND: Please let Amy know the friend’s contact information IMMEDIATELY after you buy the ticket. We reserve the right to cancel multiple ticket purchases if contact information for everyone involved is not provided in a timely fashion.

WHAT IF I NEED TO CANCEL?: If you need to cancel, let Amy know as soon as possible. Cancellations more than 24 hours prior to the event start time will be refunded. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be refunded ONLY if we are able to resell them.

Fredonia speed dating night quotesFredonia Speed Dating Night

WHAT IF I AM INTERESTED IN SAME-SEX OR GENDERFLUID SPEED-DATING?: Amy would looooove to host this or help you run an event! Send her an email if you are comfortable doing so, and let’s see if we can get enough people together to do it! We’d need 10 folks to do it the same way this particular event is run, but we can also talk about variations.

“WHAT DOES A STAND-BY TICKET DO?”: If you buy one of our stand-by tickets (for the low, low price of free, but please get ONLY ONE PER PERSON!!!), then that gives you first priority notification if we get a cancellation. It does not guarantee a ticket. Check your email (and your spam folder :-/) in the days leading up to the event– Amy will send out special messages to you and other wait-list folks if there’s a cancellation. If you have a waiting-list ticket and get to the venue before the speed-dating starts, check in with Amy. The first standby lady and the first standby gent to check in before the event starts will get free drink tickets, too, even if they don’t get to do the dating part! PLEASE NOTE: ONLY ONE STANDBY TICKET PER PERSON. SRSLY. Orders for multiple tickets are subject to cancellation without further notice.

Whew! That was a lot of information! Questions? Suggestions? Need a pre-speed-dating pep talk? Want some advice? Email Amy and she’ll do her best to help you out or point you to someone who can.