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Statement regarding the attack on the U.S. Capitol and our nation's history of racial violence

By Tonya Harris, executive director, Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence

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WARWICK R.I., Jan. 12, 2021 The first week of 2021 was a heavy and difficult one. Collectively, we looked in horror at images many thought unfathomable in our country. The wake of the deadly, violent acts at the U.S. Capitol left destruction and death, and made the vulnerability of our democracy and institutions evident. The attack at the U.S. Capitol was horrific, devastating and, in many ways, predictable. Ugly symbols of historic hatred and white nationalism, such as the confederate battle flag and Nazi imagery were on full display in the very seat of our democracy. Considering this an isolated attack would be a mistake, as what happened on January 6 is part of a much deeper, embedded framework of centuries of the normalization of violence, white supremacy, racism and oppression.

The insurrection at the U.S. Capitol is a visible sign of a profound and widespread problem in our country, including Rhode Island. As we reflect and take a good, hard look at ourselves and our values, we are all long overdue in acknowledging double standards that shaped the founding of this country - the notions of 'equality' while enslaving Black people and the genocide and displacing of Indigenous people - and still live on today through racism and oppression that persist in Black, brown and other marginalized communities.

This year, we’re hearing from Rhode Island students about what a healthy relationship means to them and answering questions about safe and respectful dating. Creating an open space for youth, teens and young adults to learn and talk about healthy relationships is an important part of preventing teen dating violence. Rhode Island is now vaccinating people against COVID-19. The state is committed to distributing COVID-19 vaccines as safely, quickly, and equitably as possible. Our goals moving forward are to minimize deaths and hospitalizations, to focus on equity, and to reopen the economy. Online Dating at Every year, hundreds of thousands of people find love on pioneered the Internet dating industry, launching in 1995 and today serves millions of singles in 24 countries.


The violent attack on January 6 was a moment that calls for a reckoning with accountability. Without accountability, calls for unity and peace are hollow. When we do not address injustices and violence in all its forms at every level, we allow white supremacy to grow and democracy to weaken.

Dating Someone From In Lincoln Rhode Island

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly...Our lives end when we become silent to things that matter.' The call to continue working toward justice, democracy and equality for all is greater than ever.

We all have a responsibility to commit to building a community rooted in nonviolence and equality, to commit to ending white supremacy and violence in all its forms, including domestic violence. Together, we must continue to work to disrupt systems of oppression that disproportionately and unjustly impact people of color and communities that have historically been marginalized, which includes survivors of domestic violence and their families who face barriers to services, safety and justice. We invite you to join us in this mission.

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When hope is rooted in collective action, it becomes an act of resistance. Together, we must hold onto hope and work toward a world where all are free from violence, where we are all treated as equal and where justice always prevails. While many are doubling down on hatred, we must double down on love.

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About the RICADV: The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) is an organization dedicated to ending domestic violence. The RICADV was formed in 1979 to support and assist the domestic violence agencies in Rhode Island. The organization provides leadership to its member agencies, strives to create justice for victims, and raises awareness on the issue of domestic violence in Rhode Island. The RICADV's network of full member agencies (Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center, Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County, Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center and Women’s Resource Center) provides a wide array of services for victims, including emergency shelter, support groups, counseling services, and assistance with the legal system. For more information about these organizations and services, call the statewide Helpline at 800-494-8100. You can also use the 24/7 confidential chat feature